Wish List
Help stock our House with items we need most.
Our House and Family Room Programs are just like your home – we need the basics and more to comfort and support families. You can make an extraordinary difference with ordinary, everyday items to keep our House running and help families feel at home.
Items We No Longer Need
- Face Masks
- Hand Sanitizer
- Travel Size Conditioner
Wish List Drives
Rally your friends, co-workers, and community to hold a Wish List Drive. You can find our top needs and full wish list above. When you drop off your items, be sure to ask us for a tour of our House to learn how your donations are put to work for the kids and families who stay with us.
You can drop off donations daily from 9 am – 7 pm at our Ronald McDonald House in Downtown Louisville, 550 S. First Street. You can also ship your donations directly to us if preferred. For questions, please contact our front desk at 502.581.1416.
For the health and safety of our families, we can only accept NEW items.
Increase Your Impact
Shop at Kroger and give back via Community Rewards! Go to your Kroger digital account, select Community Rewards, then select RMHC of Kentuckiana (search IA615) as your organization of choice.